


ここでは、OpenAIが提供している画像生成AI DALL-E2のプロンプト事例をご紹介します。



1. デジタルアート (Digital art of ~)

Digital art of a stern-looking owl dressed as a librarian

2. 3D画像 (3D render of ~)

3D render of a cute tropical fish in an aquarium on a dark blue background

3. 油絵 (Oil painting of ~)

Oil painting of a humanoid robot playing chess

4. 鉛筆と水彩 (Pencil and watercolor drawing of ~)

Pencil and watercolor drawing of a bright city in the future with flying cars

5. 一筆描き(One-line drawing of ~)

One-line drawing of teddy bears shopping for groceries

6.クレヨン (Crayon drawing of ~)

Crayon drawing of several cute colorful monsters with ice cream cone bodies on dark blue paper

7. 浮世絵 (Ukiyo-e painting of ~)

Ukiyo-e painting of teddy bears shopping for groceries

8. ステンドグラス (Stained glass window depicting ~)

Stained glass window depicting a hamburger and french fries

9. 写真 (Photo of ~)

Photo of a white fur monster standing in a purple room

10. アニメ画 (Cartoon of ~)

Cartoon of a monkey in space

11. ゴッホ風 (Van Gogh style painting of ~)

A van Gogh style painting of an American football player

12. パステル画 (Pastel drawing of ~)

Pastel drawing of an annoyed cat in a spaceship

13. アメコミの表紙 (Comic book cover of ~)

Comic book cover of a superhero wearing headphones

14. 抽象的なビジュアル (Abstract visual of ~)

Abstract visual of artificial intelligence

15. バウハウス風 (Bauhaus style painting of ~)

Bauhaus style painting of Marilyn Monroe

16.手書きスケッチ(Hand drawn sketch of ~)

Hand drawn sketch of a Porsche 911

17. 高画質な写真 (High quality photo of ~)

High quality photo of a monkey astronaut

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